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× 2025 Life Science Exhibits Vendor Show Johns Hopkins
March 13, 2025 - Baltimore, MD 21205, USA

Bioparticles Zeta Potential Analysis

Measurement of zeta potential (ζ-potential) is currently the simplest and most straightforward way to characterize the surface of charged colloids. With state-of-art equipments and advanced techniques, our team can provide service to easily draw conclusions about bioparticle concentration, distribution, adsorption, ionization, exposure or shielding of charged moieties from data analysis.

Zeta Potential Introduction

Zeta Potential is defined as the average electrostatic potential existing at the hydrodynamic plane of shear, somewhere between the stern plane and the end of the diffuse layer. It is an important and useful indicator to provide insight into nanoparticle stability, circulation time, protein interactions, particle cell permeability, and biocompatibility. Zeta potential is helpful guidance to rule out candidate product batches during stability testing thereby saving time and money. If the suspended particles have a large magnitude of charge, they will likely repel one another and have lower tendencies to flocculate, indicating stability and long-term shelf life. The concentration and type of ions and buffer species in solution, as well as the pH and temperature, strongly affect the zeta potential. And zeta potentials can directly affect particles performance during the drug delivery process.

Bioparticles Zeta Potential Analysis

Figure 1. Zeta potential introduction.

Our Zeta Potential Featured Services

CD Bioparticles performs zeta potential measurements by techniques of laser doppler electrophoresis and dynamic light scattering measurements. In brief, a sample is placed into a chamber containing two electrodes. By applying an electric field across the liquid sample, particles with a zeta potential will migrate toward the electrode of opposite charge with a velocity proportional to the magnitude of the zeta potential. The frequency shift of an incident laser beam caused by these moving particles is measured as particle mobility, and this is converted to the zeta potential according to the Henry equation. Anything from sample preparation to final report is included in our service.

Quotations and Ordering

1. Honary S, Zahir F. Effect of zeta potential on the properties of nano-drug delivery systems-a review (Part 1). Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2013, 12(2): 255-264.
2. Hunter R J. Zeta potential in colloid science: principles and applications. Academic press, 2013.
3. Smith M C, Crist R M, Clogston J D, et al. Zeta potential: a case study of cationic, anionic, and neutral liposomes. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, 2017, 409(24): 5779-5787.
4. Clogston J D, Patri A K. Zeta potential measurement. Characterization of nanoparticles intended for drug delivery. Humana Press, 2011: 63-70.

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