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× 2025 Life Science Exhibits Vendor Show Johns Hopkins
March 13, 2025 - Baltimore, MD 21205, USA

Aptamer-Fluorophore Conjugated Targeted Drug Delivery System Study

Selective targeting of tumor cells and tissues is currently the biggest challenge in tumor treatment. Chemotherapy kills cancer cells but also causes damage to healthy cells and tissues, resulting in therapeutic severe side effects. Therefore, drug delivery targeting tumor cells and tissues has become an important direction for tumor therapy. Aptamers can be used not only as targeting ligands for cancer diagnosis, but also in cancer treatment to improve therapeutic efficiency.

Aptamer-Fluorophore Conjugated Targeted Drug Delivery System Study

CD Bioparticles provides research services on aptamer-fluorescent substance conjugated targeted drug delivery systems, which can provide important information for the rational design of aptamer-fluorescent substance coupling and the construction of aptamer-based drug delivery systems. With many years of experience and advanced technology in aptamer-targeted drug delivery, you will make the right decision when you choose to work with us.

Aptamer-Fluorophore Conjugated Background

Currently, there are three types of aptamer-targeted tumor nanodelivery systems: Type 1 modifies the aptamer on a liposome, nanoparticle, micelle, or other nanocarriers to form an aptamer-targeted nanocarrier; Type 2 directly links the aptamer to a drug/fluorescent substance to form an aptamer-drug/fluorescent substance comonomer; and Type 3 uses the aptamer itself as a drug-targeted carrier. All three types of aptamers target tumor tissues through the targeting of tumor markers for tumor diagnosis or treatment.

Fluorescence imaging has become one of the most widely used cancer-targeting imaging tools for cells and tissues in living animals. Fluorophores and fluorescent nanomaterials are the most useful fluorescent markers among all fluorescent imaging systems.

Nucleic acid aptamers are a class of single-stranded oligonucleotides that specifically target specific antigens. Aptamers are relatively small, less immunogenic, and easier to screen in vitro than commonly used targeting ligands such as antibodies.

Principles of the RNA imaging method based on fluorophore-binding aptamers.RNA of interest can be fused to one of the fluorescence enhancing aptamers and imaged in the presence of the fluorophore–quencher conjugate. F denotes any fluorophore and Q denotes a contact quencher. Fig. 1 Principles of the RNA imaging method based on fluorophore-binding aptamers.RNA of interest can be fused to one of the fluorescence enhancing aptamers and imaged in the presence of the fluorophore–quencher conjugate. F denotes any fluorophore and Q denotes a contact quencher. (Sunbul M, et al., 2018)

Our Aptamer-Fluorophore Conjugated Services

CD Bioparticles specializes in aptamer-fluorophore conjugated targeted drug delivery systems and uses our technology to implement aptamer-fluorophore coupling services. With our services, you can significantly improve the progress of your experimental research.

The CD Bioparticles team can provide services ranging from aptamer synthesis to aptamer-fluorescent substance coupling for drug delivery system studies, as well as customized experimental protocols to suit your needs.

Our services are focused on the chemical synthesis of aptamers and the modification of fluorophores by phosphor-amidation to the 5' end, 3' end or intermediate site of the aptamer. After chemical modification, the aptamer can then be used for fluorescence imaging for targeted drug delivery, which can then be used for diagnosis or treatment of tumors.

Advantages of Aptamer-Delivered Drugs

  • Enhances biological stability for clinical applications
  • Simple chemical modifications allow different conjugation chemistries
  • Low immunogenicity
  • Smaller size for better tissue penetration
  • Less batch-to-batch variation
  • Easy to synthesize

CD Bioparticles offers aptamer-fluorophore conjugated targeted drug delivery systems research for aptamer-based drug delivery systems with potential applications in the development of novel chemotherapies for any form of cancer. If you would like to know more about the application of aptamers and their couples in drug delivery, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Quotations and Ordering


  1. Sunbul M, Arora A, et al. Visualizing RNA in Live Bacterial Cells Using Fluorophore- and Quencher-Binding Aptamers. Methods Mol Biol. 2018; 1649: 289-304.
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