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Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) Exosomes Biological Function

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are a kind of multiple potent stem cells, which have all the common characteristics of stem cells, that is, self-renewal and multi-directional differentiation capabilities. As its exosomes, MSC Exosomes, it is one of the most widely used exosomes in preclinical and clinical trails. CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) exosomes production and service. We have the off-shelf HUMSC exosomes product and can isolate the MSC exosomes from the customer samples, do the cell and animal test service according to customer's project needs.

Introduction to Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) Exosomes

Exosomes derived from MSCs may contain growth factors, cytokines, DNA, lipids, mRNAs, miRNAs, and mtRNAs. Similar as MSC cells from which they originated, MSC exosomes possess therapeutic properties including stimulation of cell migration and extracellular matrix synthesis, anti-apoptotic effects, immunomodulation and anti-inflammatory effects, and stimulation of collagen deposition (Figure 1)[1].

Composition and therapeutic function of MSC (mesenchymal stem cells) exosomes Figure 1. Composition and therapeutic function of MSC (mesenchymal stem cells) exosomes

The specific features of MSC Exosomes include:

  • 'Cargo' function: they contain a variety of validated therapeutic contents (refer to Figure 1), which makes them having a potential in the field of disease treatment;
  • The composition can vary depending on the source of the MSCs and the external stimuli;
  • Native cargo with target group: they can be encapsulated as drug delivery carrier by endogenous and exogenous methods.

The applications of MSC Exosomes include:

Due to these distinctive therapeutic features, the feasibility of MSC exosomes therapy is currently being assessed in several clinical studies.

  • Immune-related disease: MSC exosomes can promote the restoration of the immune system to a balanced state[2-3], such as curing dry eye of GVHD in clinical trial NCT04213248 and curing Type I diabetes in NCT02138331.
  • Cardiovascular diseases: MSC exosomes can significantly improved heart function[4], such as miR-124/MSC exosomes curing ischemic heart disease in NCT03384433.
  • Cancer: MSC exosomes can inhibit the proliferation of metastatic cancer cells, such as NCT03608631.
  • COVID-19 treatment: MSC exosomes can carry therapeutic drugs directly into the lungs, improving treatment efficiency, such as NCT04491240.
  • Anti-aging beauty: MSC exosomes can promote the migration and collagen synthesis of human dermal fibroblasts.

Our MSC Exosomes Featured Services

CD Bioparticles has established a whole set of service to improve the application of MSC exosomes, including the Cell engineering, Cell bank construction, large-scale cell culture, Isolation and Purification, Freeze-dried preparation, and Characterization.

Isolation and Purification: MSC cell culture, MSC exosomes isolation and purification.

Exosome Analysis and Characterizatio: Exosomal Lipidomics & Metabolomics Study, Exosomal Proteomics Study, Exosomal RNA Sequencing, etc.

Exosomes Labeling: Protein labeling, RNA labeling, Lipid labeling.

Exosomes Cargo Loading: Proteins, Nucleic acids (including mRNA, miRNA, lncRNA, DNA), Chemotherapy drugs and Natural extracts (cosmetics, nutraceuticals).

Exosomes Ligand Displaying: To target specific cell types.

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  1. Lee BC, Kang I, Yu KR. Therapeutic Features and Updated Clinical Trials of Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC)-Derived Exosomes[J]. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2021, 11, 10(4):711.
  2. Kordelas L, Rebmann V, Ludwig A-K, et al. MSC-derived exosomes: A novel tool to treat therapy-refractory graft-versus-host disease [J]. Leukemia, 2014, 28, 970-973.
  3. Nojehdehi S, Soudi S, Hesampour A, et al. Immunomodulatory effects of mesenchymal stem cell–derived exosomes on experimental type-1 autoimmune diabetes [J]. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 2018, 119, 9433-9443.
  4. Shao L, Zhang Y, Lan B, et al. MiRNA-sequence indicates that mesenchymal stem cells and ex-osomes have similar mechanism to enhance cardiac repair [J]. Biomed Research International, 2017.
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